Revolutionary Cell Processors
Here it is another evolution - The Cell Processors
It is not about a step up in processing, but about an entirely new technology.
Most processors today are based upon the design principles CISC (complex instruction set computer) and RISC (reduced instruction set computer). CISC based processors are now used by Intel's x86 and AMD Athlon family of processors (which includes our PC). RISC based processors are used in mobile phone technology and are also used in PowerPC 970 and Apple's G5.
Now let us move into the cell processing technology.
The main difference between cell processors and any other type of processors is that,the cell processor is built for high perfomance vector-based distributed computing.
A vector-based computer is capable of performing multiple operations using single instruction.
Distributed computing is a concept that has now been used in high perfomance computing circles, where several powerful computers can be networked together for high perfomance applications.The cell processors brings this concept to home applications as well.
Unlike other processors,cell processor's architecture is endlessly flexible.A single cell processing element can be used across devices ranging from desktop computers to even televisions and gaming devices.Additionally,cell processors are being built to communicate with one another - even across devices! It means that intelligent devices can be networked that will use each others processing capabilties to deliver a huge processing power (processing power can be shared between computers,television,playstations etc).
So the cell processor might be the biggest threat PC has ever faced.The cell processor is expected to be relatively cheaper to poduce than today's processors.By using current fabrication and design technology,the current processors can never match the supposed power of cell processor.So Intel and AMD,you will face a gigantic threat ahead.
Whatever it may be, The Cell Processor is now ready to conquer this World.
Hence the new Revolution begins !
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