'Known is a Drop, Unknown is an Ocean'

The Unique, Immortal, Omnipotent entity in this Universe is - " The Veda "

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THE VEDA: Technology Propels Faster than Light ! <body>

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Technology Propels Faster than Light !

Here it comes,the fastest processor ,which works using the fastest thing in the universe - Yes,the light !

The first silicon chip that can transmit information across Eight continuous flow Lasers has now been developed by the giant -Intel.
Presently we are using chips in which electrons are used for information transmission.During this transmission,electric current will be generated due to electron flow,which develops heat.This was the prime challenge in creating faster processors,which inturn reduces the speed of processing.

Using Laser in place of these traditional electrons eliminates these problems much.The Laser created on this chip is known as Raman Laser,which can be modulated,deflected and carry digital information.

Since the transmission is based on photons the power consumed and dissipated will be terribly less compared to the electronic circuits and also the processing will be faster.

Can this development from Intel overcome the threat arisen from the Cell Processors ?

Whatever it may be,technology is growing faster and faster -more than the speed of light.

But the fact lies in the line - "Known is a Drop,Unknown is an Ocean".


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