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THE VEDA: Yahoo! Tops <body>

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Yahoo! Tops

According to Comscore Media Matrix, Yahoo! is the most popular webmail on the net currently.It has 63 million plus users worldwide. AOL trails behind Yahoo and it has more than 48.7 million users. Hotmail shares the third position with an average of 44.7 million plus users.

Gmail - the most hyped web mail launched by Google, has 5.4 million plus users. It has an inbox capacity of above 2.5 GB. But Yahoo has a capacity only upto 1 GB. Gmail has also additional features compared to others.Even though it is well behind rest of them. But remember Gmail is only a beta version of Google mail.So its users are limited until the release of full version. Yahoo is also trying to improve its mailing environment by including some unique features, so as to make it extremely sleek.

So the battle is ON, and let us gaze for the final verdict.


  • At 12:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Interesting...I was at Microsoft the other week and they were claiming ~200M worldwide users.


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