'Known is a Drop, Unknown is an Ocean'

The Unique, Immortal, Omnipotent entity in this Universe is - " The Veda "

Veda symbolizes - ' Knowledge or Truth , Wisdom and Vision '


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THE VEDA: May 2005 <body>

Friday, May 27, 2005


As we are using analog and digital forms of recording,now there comes the new recording format called HD - High Definition Video Recording Format.

more about HD recording - Click Here

Here also comes the HDTV - High Definition Telvision- in which television signals are broadcasted with a higher resolution than the current format.

more about HDTV - Click Here

Thursday, May 26, 2005

The One, Who Conquered !

Yesterday evening when I went through Mathrubhumi-the daily news paper in Malayalam, I was thrilled by reading something about the film news.

Time magazine has announced the names of 'All time top hundred movies' released worldwide.In that list there are five Indian films.
Three among them were directed by the veteran- Satyajith Ray,one by Mr.Guru Dutt.
The remaining one was Nayakan directed by Mani Ratnam and acted by Kamal Hassan.Mani Ratnam is the only current Indian director whose film entered in the list .The Jury of the Time said that they were astonished by Mani through his films.Also his films are envying them.
So we Indians must be proud of Mr.Mani Ratnam for gaining such a reward World wide.
Also I believe that this honour would inspire him to take better films than Nayakan,thus raising the proud of Indian film industry All over.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Something About The King

We know that computers are generally classified into four types :

Micro (which includes our PC),Mini,Mainframe and finally
the Super Computers.

We can say Super Computers,the king among the computers in which thousands of processors are linked together to form the most powerful system.

Here I wish to list some of the top Super Computers used now-a-days in this World.

1.BlueGene/L DD2 Beta-System (IBM)- with a speed of 70.7 TFLOPS (tera or trillion floating point instructions per second).This is the most powerful Super Computer used now.

2.Columbia (NASA) - with a speed of 51.9 TFLOPS,consisting of 10,240 Intel Itanium 2 processors.

3.Earth Simulated (NEC)- with a speed of 40 TFLOPS and is situated in Japan.

4.Mare Nostrum - with a speed of 40 TFLOPS and is used in the Technical University of Barcelona.

5.Thunder - with a speed of 19.9 TFLOPS,consisting of 1,024 nodes,each holding four Intel Itanium 4 processors,each running at 1.4 GHz.It is used in Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

6.ASCI Q - The Q Super computing system is the most recent component of the Advanced Simulation and Computing (ASCI) Program.It works with a speed of 13.9 TFLOPS ,consisting of 1,024 nodes, each holding four Alpha 21264 EV-68 proessors.It is used in Los Alamos National Laboratory.

:-just for reference,the processing power of the most powerful PC will only be about 5 GFLOPS (G-giga).

No Super Computer from India has taken part in the list so far.

I think we will rise soon and compete with rest of them in the World.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Chandramukhi - Utter Disappointment

Much was the expectation when
Superstar Rajini's film - Chandramukhi- was announced to release after three years,since the release of Baba.At last the film was released on April 14th.

The film is the remake of the classic Malayalam film- Manichithrathazhu- directed by Fazil and acted by the natural actor of India- Mohanlal.In malayalam the director treated the film as a psychological one.When P.Vasu remade it in tamil,I found it as a horror film.

Chandramukhi was an utter disappointment in which the malayalam classic has been exploited painfully and worthlessly.It is not Rajini,but the director (P.Vasu) ,who is to be blamed.

However,Chandramukhi was clicked and conquered the Box-office.It is also creating new records,only because of the unique- Star among the Stars -Rajini Khanth

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Technology Propels Faster than Light !

Here it comes,the fastest processor ,which works using the fastest thing in the universe - Yes,the light !

The first silicon chip that can transmit information across Eight continuous flow Lasers has now been developed by the giant -Intel.
Presently we are using chips in which electrons are used for information transmission.During this transmission,electric current will be generated due to electron flow,which develops heat.This was the prime challenge in creating faster processors,which inturn reduces the speed of processing.

Using Laser in place of these traditional electrons eliminates these problems much.The Laser created on this chip is known as Raman Laser,which can be modulated,deflected and carry digital information.

Since the transmission is based on photons the power consumed and dissipated will be terribly less compared to the electronic circuits and also the processing will be faster.

Can this development from Intel overcome the threat arisen from the Cell Processors ?

Whatever it may be,technology is growing faster and faster -more than the speed of light.

But the fact lies in the line - "Known is a Drop,Unknown is an Ocean".

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Revolutionary Cell Processors

"Evolution.It's what happens to a species when it improves upon itself over time".

Here it is another evolution - The Cell Processors
It is not about a step up in processing, but about an entirely new technology.

Most processors today are based upon the design principles CISC (complex instruction set computer) and RISC (reduced instruction set computer). CISC based processors are now used by Intel's x86 and AMD Athlon family of processors (which includes our PC). RISC based processors are used in mobile phone technology and are also used in PowerPC 970 and Apple's G5.
Now let us move into the cell processing technology.

The main difference between cell processors and any other type of processors is that,the cell processor is built for high perfomance vector-based distributed computing.
A vector-based computer is capable of performing multiple operations using single instruction.

Distributed computing is a concept that has now been used in high perfomance computing circles, where several powerful computers can be networked together for high perfomance applications.The cell processors brings this concept to home applications as well.

Unlike other processors,cell processor's architecture is endlessly flexible.A single cell processing element can be used across devices ranging from desktop computers to even televisions and gaming devices.Additionally,cell processors are being built to communicate with one another - even across devices! It means that intelligent devices can be networked that will use each others processing capabilties to deliver a huge processing power (processing power can be shared between computers,television,playstations etc).
So the prime feature of cell processor is to distribute workloads.

The cell processor's architecture was officially revealed from the announcements made at the ISSCC conference held in San Francisco between 6th and 10th of February.The first application of the cell processor is expected to be in Sony's gaming console- Playstation 3.

So the cell processor might be the biggest threat PC has ever faced.The cell processor is expected to be relatively cheaper to poduce than today's processors.By using current fabrication and design technology,the current processors can never match the supposed power of cell processor.So Intel and AMD,you will face a gigantic threat ahead.

Whatever it may be, The Cell Processor is now ready to conquer this World.

Hence the new Revolution begins !

Saturday, May 07, 2005

LAW-The daily killer of Bharath

Have you ever discussed or thought about the 'hanging' policy of our country. In India the law punishes its citizen who attempts to commit suicide or kill others,stating that man has no right to take the lives of others as well as his own,only the Almighty has the right to do so.But the culprits or criminals (who are the children of Bharath)gets hanged (killed) by the law of our country ! Mysterious, isn't it ?

Many countries have stopped hanging (killing) the culprits.We Indians speak of 'Non-violence' and 'Ahimsa' as our principles as suggested by the father of our Nation Mahathma Gandhi.But the Law of Bharath kills its citizen each day blindly . Being a citizen of India it is not possible for me to digest such an action performing in our country.
These statements were powerfully picturised by Kamal Hassan- the veteran actor and director of the Indian film industry, in his film 'Veerumandi'.I agree with him in clear-cut.
Do You?
Please think of it.

Expecting your critics for the statements I have made.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005


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